Five rounds of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees
- Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach*.

15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-ups
Post WOD & time, or HSPU of each round, to comments
& Crossfit Diesel 4/29/11
When: 8am
Where: Please check the comments for location!
Is there a Sunday Endurance Class?
I am not sure about the Endurance Class this weekend, as I have not heard from Brian.
Vinu, a quick search showed me what that means, but my first thought was "That looks a lot like a product key for some piece of software."
YES! There will be an endurance class tomorrow at 8 AM. I apologize for the late post.
We will meet at the Diesel gym, be prepared for about 45 minutes of running.
Homework prior to arrival is to lookup "Fartlek"
9:00 AM
Charlie 21:53 (strict)
Steve 24:08 (last round red - strict)
Susan 19:36 (Purple)
Whitney 22:09 (red)
Vinu 24:51 (green)
Kevin 24:50 (blue - rom)
Hillary 26:15 (ring dip, g/jpu)
Dan 6:(8,5,8,8,6,6{full-1mat)+200m
Josh 6:(3,3,5*,5*,4,2 {abmat)+rope
Kim 4:(8,8,8,8 {2-abmat)+400m
Jeff 5:(7,5,5,5,5{scales not listed)
Donte 5:(5,5,5,4,6 {2-abmat)Rope Scl+40m
Eric 45#x8/155#x15
Amy 55#x12/145#x11
Cami 35#x6/95#x11
Jason 65#x5/155#x15
Pallav 45#x5/155#x7
Bobby C. 90x1/225#x1
Bob S. 70#x1/155#x2
Mike 50#x3/225#x3
Mike and Susan, Thanks so much for the assistance coaching today. Fantastic group class.
Ryan: 24:59
Dan, I had the exact same thought.
I wondered for a minute if I should e-mail Vinu and let him know that he copied and pasted into the wrong window. :)
Follow up from Sunday endurance WOD: EGH was the theme, the workout was (roughly):
4min warmup
4min steady ~75%
~2min jog
3min fast at 85%
~2min jog
1min at 92% (not a percent less)
45 s jog
Fast hill run
45 s jog
1 min at 92%
3 min jog
1 min at 92%
2 min jog
sprints to upcoming points x3 (each about 200m)
~2min at 75%
1 min at 80% with focus on fom
Last hill repeat sprint (~2min)
Congrats Chris, Whitney, and Shannon for a great effort today.
There WILL be an endurance WOD next weekend as well - stay tuned for more.
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