5 Rounds of:
3 Bench Press then
Max Rep Toes to Bar
Post load & Reps for each round to comments
Mid-Atlantic Regionals
Kelly Starrett speaks at Google Health Day!
This is the information he teaches at the mobility certification course, free online for you viewing pleasure!
Continuing the thread from yesterday - Sarah, HY and I are game for dinner/booze after open gym friday. We should go someplace w/outdoor seating if it's nice, maybe Union Jacks or Pub Dog?
I will be around for dinner/booze too! Count me in!
outdoor seating is good cuz we will be stinky!
haha, they gave us a separate room last time.
Rookie WOD 4:
Press/ Back Squat
Rachel 1x74.5 PR!!!/1x132.5
Hilary 4x55/6x105 PR :)
Yvette 3x67.5/ 8x135 PR :)
Evan, I like how you included the happy faces I wrote on the board next to our PR's. You should really get that bell for future PR's for the gym :)
Bobby 185x2/14-165/13-165/13-165/12-165/9
Dan H 165/24-155/10-145/12-145/13-155/15
Keith 155x1/21-145/15-145/14-145/13-145x2/11
Kim 75/15-80x1/?-77.5x2/?-77.5x2/?
Steve H 245x1/13-205/24-215/12-215/12-215/12
Susan (#95clean) 3/30PR-3/15-3/15-3/15-3/10
Teresa 120/31PR-120/26-120/23-120/20-120/19
Brian 215/28-205/18-205/15-205/15-205/13
Deb (#30press,GB-PU) 16/5-17/6-18/4-16/4-18/5
Donte 185/10-225/10-235/10-245/10
Hoi Yee 85/26-90/15-90/12-90/12-90/15
Jason H 155/6-135/7-145/9-145/6-145/7
Jesse S 165/9-165/7-165/8-165/7-165/6
Mike T 165/1-170/1-175/1-180/1-185/?
T 225/21-230/16-235/13-240/10-145/10
Jason C (#/tuck hang for seconds)135/13-145/23-155/28-165x2/29-165x2/?
Luke 215/19-215/20-215/11-215/13-215/11
Mandi (#75bench/#85frontsquat) 3/8-3/6-3/5-3/6-3/4
Sarah (#95) 3/23-3/18-3/15-2/17-1/13
Nice work Rachel, Hilary & Yvette!
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