Saturday 6/11/11



3 Rounds for time:

400 m Run
21 KB Swings (53/ 35#)
12 Pull-Ups

Compare to 7/15/10

Post time to comments


Dan Hook said...

Those judges need to work on the indigenous squat.

Mandi said...

Yes, but at least they have cool looking shoes :)

Vinu said...

Anyone doing the Tough Mudder coming up on October 22nd/23rd in Virginia?

Dan Hook said...

I'm surprised they were allowed to judge wearing New Balance and not Reebok.

Mandi said...


Brian 8:13 GR
Luke 8:42 PR
Dan H 10:32 PR
Keith 10:53 PR
Donte 13:40 PR
Cain 14:16 (#70 russian, blue)

Lauren C 12:21 (#26.5,red)
Sujata 13:08 (#30, red) PR
Shannon 16:41 (blue)
Kim 17:00 (#26.5)
Rachel M 17:34 (purple)
Deb 18:20 (9 PU’s green, #10x2 DB swing)

Mandi said...

10am Rookies

5 jumping PU's
10 burpees
15 box jump

Jeff S 4+8 (24" box)
Ben S 4+5 (kip&strict PU's, 24" box)
Anansa 3+5 (12" box)
Hilary 3+0 (12" box)

Sujata said...

Oops, forgot to add that I was doing russian swing.

jacksbadassgoat said...

10:56 Ring PUs.