Workout 4
For time:100 Pull-ups
100 Kettlebell swings (53lb / 35lb)
100 Double-unders
100 Overhead squats (95lb / 65lb)Post time to comments.
Memorial Day Monday!
11am Murph
(1mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 1mile run)
12pm Cook-Out
(we will be supplying the hotdogs and hamburgers)
All regular Monday classes are canceled.
I'm hurting just going through the workout in my head. Guess I should ne happy the pull-ups come before the kettlebells.
so this is where all the cool people hang out...
7:00 am
Jesse W 14:17 (50 reps: 75# OHS)
Evan 16:24 (50 reps: PU-Rom, 12", 75#)
I will bring beer.
Hey Hoi Yee and both Rachels, I found a video with some good tips on thrusters...it's under the WOD on the main CF site for May 17th titled "WOD Demo with Kristan Clever and Katie Hogan - video [wmv] [mov]". I'm definitely going for more weight next time around!!
5:00 PM
Matt 20:24 (50 reps, 12" box)
Sheila 24:33 (50 green, 100x26#, 100 single, 50x30# OHS)
Teresa 25:18
Dan H 25:28 (100/50/100/50x65# OHS)
Mike G 31:05 (100's/ 50 reps OHS)
6:00 PM
Kassim 25:17 (50) ohs-Rom 30:14 +10 bonus round
Jesse S 25:56 (50 reps, 65# OHS)
Hoi Yee 26:34 (75 reps, 45#)KB-Rom
Susan 30:22 PU-Rom
Tyler 30:32 100's/ 75 rep OHs
Mark G 21:15 (Jump,35#,SU,45#)
Cain 29:13 (50bb,35#,50,50@65#)
Whitney 28:36 (45# OHS)
Jason C 28:58 (50jump,60kb,50su,36OHS@55#)
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