Hero WOD
The OFFICIAL CrossFit Games Open has begun!
Local Community CrossFiters and CF Diesel Athletes are welcome to compete here, as we are an official Host Site for the competition!Whittman
7 Rounds for Time:
15 Kettlebell Swing (1.5/ 1 pood)
15 Power Clean (95/ 65)
15 Box Jump (24/ 20")
Compare to Main Site: 2/10/11
7 Rounds for Time:
15 Kettlebell Swing (1.5/ 1 pood)
15 Power Clean (95/ 65)
15 Box Jump (24/ 20")
Compare to Main Site: 2/10/11
The OFFICIAL CrossFit Games Open has begun!
- What = A Workout of the Week will be announced every Tuesday. Come and compete, and one of our Judges will sign off on your time (Adherence to all standards will be enforced).
- When = 7:00 PM on Wednesday, Friday & 9:30 AM on Saturday
- How = a) Show up, b) Sign-in, c) the next available Judge will officiate your WOD: It's That Easy!
- Cost = 1/2 Priced Drop In Rate ($10 per competitor, per Judged session)
Where can I pick up one of those super ropes that I was introduced to tonight????
Did you use the black rope with red handles?
7:00 am
Evan 19:25(35, 65, 21")
Rachel 21:07 (43-33, 21")
Hey Gang!
If you're interested in the CFG Open and cant make the listed time slots for Officiating, let us know - We will make it happen around your schedule!
T2, I did, pretty sure that it was either your's or Susan's...
I was watching some of the video submissions for the CFG Open WOD1 and saw some dude go to straight clean and jerk! pretty sure that's not legit...
It is a Buddy Lee rope. We got them on Amazon for a little under $30 each.
About the clean and jerk, I believe one of the instructional videos addresses this...if I remember correctly, they said that while they are calling it a snatch, they are simply looking for ground to overhead lockout. So, it was allowed. I may be mistaken though.
I'm with you T. I think this needs total clarification from HQ. If it is like Tony Budding says then it should be called "Ground To Overhead". But people are going to take that statement and do C&Js since the guy said GTO. I think it should be a discrete power snatch myself, that's rooting out lots of people right there, cut down on the submissions who are going to get cut later anyway for lack of skill or conditioning. 13,000 submissions is a lot data to handle.
Sweet, thanks T2! BTWs if I got swindled into beast of the east, you're totally doing the open...
As for GTO v. Power Snatch... that's bs! straight legit power snatch/muscle snatch should be the standard, none of this gto crap!
Though watching Jeremy Mhire throw down leads me to believe that there's no way you're going to get a bangin' score with c&j...
Teresa nailed it on the head. C&J is permissible for the open's WOD 1. The standards video details the requirements for a rep to be counted. The video submission is interesting, b'cuz to me it looks like it might be up to the community to first "flag" a questionable submission inorder to get its veracity tested.
I totally flagged that dudes video like a thousand times hahaha...
I registered. I'm looking forward to winning the Crossfit games. Yes, the entire thing.
You have both my awe and vote, JPH.
Cain, My assumption is that CFHQ does not want to diminish the pool of people competing. They will simply take the fasted/top participants out of 10 thousand or 10 million.
This is a terrific thread. I have nothing to add, just all of your smarts to gain :)
CF Games Regionals,
I just read that its the top 60 Men and the top 60 Women from a region go on to compete at Regionals.
(20M/20W for masters)
Rafael 25:50 (10 reps per round)
Jamison 26:26
Mike G 28:13
Phil 28:14 (35, 65 18")
Shannon 28:44 (26, 50, step)
Hoi Yee 29:02 (26, 50)
Tyler 25:44 (rx-PC=GHD Sit-Up)
5:00 PM
Teresa 21:53
Bobby 23:01
Amy 24:48 (26, 55)
Irene 25:35 (35, 35, step)
Todd 25:39 (53, 65-55)
Ray 28:39
Dan 29:31
Cain 29:06
Great job guys!
Sarah 28:25 RX
Susan 14:22 (25, 35, stepups)
Mark G 21:46 (36,65)
Katherine 23:02 (18, 15, 18" box)
Jose 26:16 (3RX, 4rds GSDSU, GSDHX)
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