Monday 1/10/11


21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:

115 pound Power snatch
Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
Knees to elbows

Crystal McReynolds 14:01 (75lbs, 14lb ball), Austin Malleolo 14:05, Carey Kepler 14:08 (75lbs, 14lb ball), JC Nessa 15:24, Kevin Montoya 15:34, Mat Frankel 16:24, Lance Cantu 17:11, Heather Bergeron 18:55 (85lbs, 16lb ball), Stacey Kroon 19:23 (85lbs, 16lb ball), Kristan Clever 19:47 (85lbs, 16lb ball), Laurie Galassi 19:48 (78lbs, 14lb ball), Mel Ockerby 19:49 (85lbs, 14lb ball).

(Post time to comments)

And they're OFF!
Nelson's - 2011


Mandi said...

Time Priority

Sarah - 16:25 (DBSnatch 10#, DB Thruster 10#, KtFace AbStraps)
Susan - 16:46 (45, 10)
Lisa - 18:44 (25, 10 rom, KtE AbStraps rom)
Meghan - 21:09 (45, 10, KtChest)
Stich 21:58 (15/10/HkR)
Mandi - 22:05 (45, 10)
Alexa - 22:35 (25, 10, KtChest-HkR)
Deb - 23:04 (KBswing 18, Press 35#, KtT-KtA)
Angie 24:36 (35/15-10/HkR)
Kim 25:56 (30/10/KtE-rom)
CDE 25:57 25:57 (35/10 HkR)
Audrey 26:49 (35/15/KtA)
Leslie 27:04 (45/15/HkR)

Josh - 19:53 (75#)
Tyler - 22:37 (75#)
Dan - 25:24 (75, 15)
Mark G. 25:25 (55/KtA)
Mike G - 25:28 (75#)
Cain - 26:33 (75, 15)
Chris - 26:49 (65, 15, KtE-HkR)
Jesse S. - 26:?? (65?, 15?)
Ray 27:04 (75)
Jason G - 30:25 - Rx’d
Mack - 31:48 (55, 15, KtWaist)

Ray said...

Thanks for the GREAT muscle-up progression tips! I think the strict MU might be my next big skill goal!

Sarah said...

Hey y'all! It's great to be back!