3 rounds for time:
(Post time to comments)
10 Squat Snatch (#95/#65)
20 Sit-ups
10 Wall Ball (#20/#15)
20 Double-Unders
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Image of the 2009 Goruck Challenge in DC. Tyler and Keith participated in this year's DC Goruck Challenge on Saturday 12/18/10!
Follow these links for more info: Goruck Challenge & Goruck.com
Ditto T's comments-- a great time, but not to be repeated. First time is a challenge, second time is sadism. It's a pretty big high when you finish, though.
Why only #10 WB for the ladies?
Oops! It was a typo Rachel.
Teresa 7:54
Susan 10:16 (rom’ish)
Mandi 12:30 (#55)
Katie D. 14:35 (#45, PS+OHS, #15rom)
Sara 9:20 (#35, #15, rom)
Molly 12:29 (#35, PS+OHS, #10, 2xSU’s)
Kim 11:18 (#30, #10)
T 10:45
Jesse W. 11:00 (rom/PS)
Ben 11:30
John M. 15:22
Jamison 12:13 (#85)
Matt 14:56 (#85)
Bobby 11:14 (#75 rom)
Kristian 13:00 (#75)
Kassim 16:50 (#75, rom)
Dan 12:34 (#65)
Vinu 15:47 (#65, #15)
Jesse S. 16:23 (#55, rom)
Chris 13:55 (#55, 2xSU’s)
Mark G. 9:55 (#45, PS, 40 SU’s)
Mike T. 11:22 (#45, #15, SU’s, rom’ish)
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