Friday 11/26/10


"Filthy Fifty"
Dirty Thirty"
50 (or 30) Reps For time:

Box jump (24/ 20")
Jumping pull-ups
Kettlebell swings (35/ 26.5#)
Walking Lunge
Knees to elbows
Push press (45/ 35#)
Back extensions
Wall ball shots (20/ 15#)
Burpees (yay burpees!)
Double Unders

(Post time to comments)

Here is Black getting the bench press done


RachelRose said...

Yay!!!!!!! Thank you!!

Bobby Gill said...

if i wasn't already before, i am now a firm believer in having a buttload of sweet potatoes the day before an epic WOD.

RachelRose said...

Whitney makes killer candied yams Bobby. They are toooooooo yummy.

Steve H said...

The perfect "Day After Thanksgiving" workout. The turkey pukie shall be watching!

Mandi said...

Brian 24:01 PR! GR!
Bobby 28:03
John V. 30:39
Gary 30:57
Jason 33:20 PR
Matt 38:38
Cain 40:14
Nathan 22:?? (rom)
Cameron B 26:15 (1 scale)
Steve 37:58 (1 scale)
Gino 43:43 (3 scales)
Vinu 30:56 (30’s)

Teresa 26:54 GR!
Susan 30:02
Mandi 34:05 PR
Whitney 22:55 (1 scale)
Rachel 28:44 (1 scale)
Christine B 38:52 (2 scales)
Kim 39:18 (2 scales)
Julie B 24:39 (3 scales)
Sujata 22:00 (30‘s, scales)
Molly 21:34 (30‘s, 4 scales)
Maxine 26:23 (30’s, 5 scales)
Irene 29:12 (30’s, 5 scales)
Lisa 28:04 (30’s, 6 scales)
Elizabeth 33:00 (30-20, 5 scales)

Evan said...


Kavita "Filthy 50"

Box Steps,
18# KB,
High Knee Raise
15# push Press
Box Squats
Bench Squat Thrusts