Monday 8/16/10



Five rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Squats

Post time to comments

Compare 8/27/09

Strongman Matt goes overhead


RachelRose said...

You know you are a CrossFit fiend when the highlight of your day is finally seeing what tomorrow's WOD is... looks like the goal is to do this under 30 minutes. Who's excited??!!

Unknown said...

The highlight of my day is writing PR next to my time.

RachelRose said...

Hmmm...... I think those two are equally as exciting. What about the days we do a WOD you haven't done yet (like tomorrow's)? Then what is the highlight of your day? Finishing before Jason?

RachelRose said...

Category of nearly puking after 2nd round? I can't wait.

Michael said...

Sounds "fun." I'll be there.

Matt said...

The highlight of my day is counting how many chins I show in a picture. I think I've got 3-4 going on in that one.

Unknown said...

I think my Friday update was covered in that movie.

However, I was sitting around the other day, eating a cheeseburger, when I thought to myself that I was going about this all wrong. I don't need accountability from the rest of the gym and others, I need to hold my own ass accountable. My failure isn't in that I've disappointed anybody else, because really, who cares if I make or miss weight? I'm the only one that will really be upset, knowing that I didn't have the discipline to do what I had to and it cost me. So, I decided to stop posting things and focus more on my own individual accountability.

Rachel, the highlight of my day when I don't have a PR to shoot for is not beating Jason, since the only competition is with myself. I pick something that seems reasonable, and I either beat that or I enjoy putting myself on the floor in the fetal position at the end of a WOD. Either are acceptable outcomes.

RachelRose said...

John, you are enlightened. All of your last post was complete genius. Congratulations.

Dan Hook said...

Your diet isn't working and the place you went all wrong was "accountability"?

On less of a picking on John note, I usually consider a workout a success when I push hard and feel like I had nothing left to give. Usually, because I felt that way on Friday and was five minutes slower than my PR. That sucked.

Unknown said...

No, the issue isn't the diet, the diet's long as you follow it. Did I follow it? Not really. So yes, the issue is accountability, not the diet.

My mindset is that you can succeed at any aspect of your life, you just choose to win or lose. Most often, the outcome is decided long before game time, as the result of a decision that you made that seemed inconsequential at the time. Did I want to follow the diet? Nope, it was just a thought since I got bothered about it by everybody else, and I figured it'd be cool to compete in this power lifting meet. I'm pretty happy with who and what I am right now, so there wasn't much incentive to change. What's changed in my mindset now that I'm focused and relying on myself? I'm not competing in the power lifting meet, I'm going to win it. That's the accountability I'm talking about, which is much more potent than Paleo, Primal, Zone, Atkins, The Subway Diet, or even the Shake Weight. Not as powerful as the Total Gym though. Chuck Norris uses that...

chris.m.rowe said...

do you have to be part of the gym to post here? i'm new to the area and I use your website to get my WOD. I noticed that no one posted their times here.

Unknown said...

J, you, my mother, and Jesus care. I'm sure Cain does too. I suddenly feel loved. Remind me to hug you tomorrow.

Cain said...

Dude this WOD was awful. I didn't even finish, I think I may have actually bonked... or bitched out. Or bonked. This was the first time I have ever laid on the floor after a WOD, I couldn't move for ten minutes. I hate vacations.

Steve H said...

Whitney you asked, so I'll post it. The road I thought was Reece, is actually Mapes Rd. You'll want to take that towards 32 to get to CF Ft. Meade. The CF Ft. Meade is located at "8606 6th Armored Cavalry Rd, Fort Meade, MD 20755

Park in any of the unmarked spots or in the lot across the street. We are located around the right side of building 8606 – go down the stairs, and poof! You’re there."

Hope this helps...

Steve H said...

Three rounds for time of:95/65 pound Ground to overhead, 10 reps (no technique specific, just get it overhead from the ground.)
200 yard Shuttle sprint, 50 yards there and back twice (the eraser pick from elementry school)

C/O-CF Dam Neck

Whattya guys think about doing this one?

RachelRose said...

Sounds like a fantastic WOD Steve! I think you could have a sister WOD that is the same WOD with 2 additional speed sets of 20 ground to overhead with a little less weight (after the first and second round of 10 rep 95/65 ground to overhead), with the challenge of course being what your technique is during these 20 may allow for the best times. (And maybe double unders instead of the shuttle round for those 2 rounds).

I am really enjoying these longer WODS. I like experimenting with various versions of each exercise between sets. And I don't mean changing scales, but varying the execution. For example, squats tonight: trying to do 60 squats most efficiently during some rounds meant I hardly moved any part of my body but the hips, knees, and lower back. Other rounds I was trying to do those crazy fast air squats using the arms for momentum and that ever-so-fun bounce at the bottom... that version was much more tiring much faster!

Evan said...

10:00 am

Kim - 21:04
(20/20/60: SUs, 3 Mat PU)
Karin - 23:17
(10/20-30/30-46): Black, Mat Knee)

5:00 pm

Whitney - 24:49 (Knee)
Amee - 43:03 (Blue, Knee)
Meghan - 45:16 (blue, knee)
Deb - 44:39 (20-15 PU: Green, Knee)
Crystal - 35:41
(15-10/30-20/60-30: Green, Mat Knee PU)

Steve - 45:49
John M - 45:56
Kristian - 49:00
Dan - 50:14 pr
Gabe - 45:48 (Blue, PU-Knee)

6:00 pm

Mike G - 26:08
Vinu - 29:03 (3/4: Blue)
Cain - 47:55 (4 rounds)
Rachel - 34:57 (Green, Knee/snake)
Mike T - 43:29 (Green, Knee)
Jay - 35:10 (1/2: BR, Mat, Pole)
Anita - dnf

7:00 pm

Elaine - 42:22 (Green-BR, Knee)
Leslie - 43:30 (Black-BR, Knee)
Julie - 29:02 (1/2: Black, Knee)
Mike H - 25:10 (1/2: Black-BR, Knee)
Irene - 27:28 (1/2: BR, Knee)

whitney said...

Steve thank you for the address.. I'll deffinatly check it out to see what I can find. And to the rest of you guys thank you for all being so inviting on my new adventure to Maryland.

kfishy said...

Hey Evan, I forgot to subtract off the 1:30 from my time. 47:30.