Monday 7/5/10




Handstand Push-Ups
Ring Dips

(Post time to comments)


Steve H said...

Is there a 10am on Monday? Might need to stop in for a good session before I'm on the road next week! This one looks fun!

T said...

Gah! Maybe I'll have to leave Michigan a little earlier than I had planned to try and make this...

Mandi said...

Yes, indeed. We are running classes as usual. Hope to see you at 10am!

Evan said...

Evan - 13:30 PR
Jason - 26:00
Brian - 17:47 (hspu-1-2 abmats)
Donte - 16:38 (mat, red)
Bryan - 21:34 (mat, blue-green, knees)
Mike T - 15:30 (Mat/ Blue)

Mandi - 11:41 (1 abmat, mini G.)
Von - 13:18 (2 Abmat 1/3 + 2x20# DB, Red, knee)
Rachel - 10:23 (mat, red, lt.G P-U)
Deb - 11:45 (Mat, Lt. green, knee)
Audrey - 15:45 (mat, Lt.G-red, knee)
Kim - 12:35 (mat, red, knee)
Anita - 17:34 (33# press, blue, knee)
Leslie - 16:01 (mat, green, knee)