Monday 7/26/10



For 20 Minutes, with a continually running clock, perform as many Reps as possible of:

:30 sec. 75#/53# Thruster
:30 sec. 75#/53# SDHP
1:00 min. Rest

(Post Highest and Lowest score of each exercise, in any round, to comments)

Compare to 10/14/09


Dan Hook said...

I remember this one. Seeing the agony on the faces of the people moving while I was resting was the only thing that kept me going.

Steve H said...

I remember this one. Looks like we'll have to break the 15/15 pace this time.

Meghan said...

i love this workout! can't wait...

L said...

One month away. That was a painful way to get reacquainted.

Unknown said...

This seems like a great WOD to work on the gaming strategy.

Steve H said...

15/15 was optimistic. This one definitely hurt again!

Unknown said...

Yeah, totally ruined my shot at climbing a 5.9 for the first time today. However, it was a great mental effort to focus despite exhaustion at heights. Solid mental training.

Evan said...

Legend: Highs, Lows = totals [total]

John M - 17/19, 7/7 = 24/26 [50]
Evan - 15/15, 9/9 = 24/24 [48]
Steve H - 17/9, 9/8 = 26/17 [43]
Matt - 15/15, 5/5 = 20/20 [40]
Dan - 10/12, 7/9 = 17/21 [38]
Pat - 11/11, 7/8 = 18/19 [37]
Donte - 10/12, 7/7 = 17/19 [36]
Keith - 10/10, 5/6 = 15/16 [31]
Kristian - 10/10, 5/6 = 15/16 [31]
Cain - 8/8, 6/6 = 14/14 [28]
John H - 9/9, 5/5 = 14/14 [28]
Gabe - 7/7, 5/5 = 12/12 [24]
Mike H - 10/10, 5/6 = 15/16 [31] - (65#)
Todd - 12/13, 7/9 = 19/22 [41] - (55#)
Mike T - 12/10, 6/10 = 18/20 [38] - (55#)
Bryan - 12/10, 0/0 = 12/10 [22] - (53#)

Lindsay - 12/14, 8/8 = 20/22 [42]
Anita - 12/13, 5/8 = 17/21 [38]
Sharron - 13/11, 6/5 = 19/16 [35]
Meghan - 10/11, 3/7 = 13/18 [31]
Rachel 10/11, 7/9 = 17/20 [37] - (40#)
Julie H 12/12, 8/8 = 20/20 [40] - (35#)
Amee 12/13, 5/9 = 17/22 [39] - (30#)
Lisa 14/15, 10/12 = 24/27 [52] - (20#)
Jay 11/9, 5/5 = 16/14 [30] - (15#, ROM)

Evan said...

Great Strategy John.

I think you nailed your output!

Unknown said...

I blame you! Some way, both of us thought of the same strategy, I just saved my sprints for the end. I swear, I thought I was going to die, but then I remembered it was only 30 seconds and gutted it out. Other than my first On Ramp WOD after having eaten a whole pizza and not doing a METCON for months, this was the closest I've been to Pukie. That rat bastard...

Evan said...

Strategy is a dirty word to some in the CF community. I, personally, view it as an integral part of the Game as a whole.

In this WOD, we observe that there is incentive to find a high sustainable number, so that you have the highest 'low' score possible. Additionally, there is intensive to sprint - Once for your Thrusters, and once for your SDHP - in order to get the highest 'high' score possible. You can determine where the best placement is for these sprints. Relatively early and slightly spaced apart is my advice (take it or leave it).

The scoring system always dictates your strategy and attack, and though this WOD is very simple - as any good WOD is - its scoring should dictate your approach. As we mature as athletes we better understand how to 'Work a WOD' to achieve optimal performance and, subsequently, higher power output.

Evan said...

Also, lets see somebody break 60 in this WOD!

I've got a beer in the fridge that says he/ she can't!

The only condition is, they have to finish the beer within 20 minutes of finishing the WOD. If they don't keep the beer down, they owe me 150 burpees for time.

Unknown said...

With today's WOD, the gaming/strategy was the way to go. I'm starting to become a believer in the pace yourself methodology. Not fully into it yet, because I believe that you should do some terrible horrible work at the outset of some WODs just to work on the other aspects of performing while exhausted, etc. I agree that there is a lot mentally that should go into this. If I had it to do over again, 9's are the right baseline.

Challenge accepted.