Friday 7/23/10



Modified Affiliate WOD #4 from 2010 Games
One round for time
(reps X number of people on Team)

1 rope climb
1 odd objects transport
25 Box Jumps
1 odd objects transport
25 Pull-ups
25 ring dips
1 odd objects transport
25 Wall-balls
1 rope climb

(Post time to comment)


Unknown said...

For the power lifters as well, and Jason:


Michael said...

This sounds like fun. Team WODs are always an enjoyable change of pace. Plus, Tyler and I can form the Hybrid Supermachine we were just talking about.

RachelRose said...

I won't be there tonight, on-call all night at work, see you in the am :)

Unknown said...

J, I'm sorry that I ruined your workout. You still owe me a fireman's carry around the parking lot. Don't think I forgot.

Unknown said...

Ok, so my weight isn't really doing what I want: 213lbs. Part of it is cheating on the weekends, but I think a big part of it are the protein shakes. Maybe if I go to a lower carb protein mix and scale those back, I'll see some changes. This whole process is kind of enlightening though. I'm realizing that I don't need a ton of carbs to have a decent metcon, yet I'm realizing that I enjoy life a lot less when I can't drink whatever I want, like booze, milkshakes, or booze. It's more difficult than I thought it would be to train your weaknesses, especially when it's a weakness like food.

Evan said...

John, your assessment could be spot on - Or you may be consuming too much protein.

Data, experimentation, and nutrition-journaling will reveal the answer 100% of the time.

For weight loss:
- 3# a week = A
- 2# a week = B
- 1# a week = C
- 0# by definition is failure

All of this should be occurring while athletic performance is improving - Otherwise your nutrition is NOT FUELING your FITNESS!

This is directed not specifically to John, but to EVERYONE who is interested in loosing weight while CrossFiting.

Evan said...

Donte + Mike G. - 14:18 (~800)
Karin + Marcia - 13:38 (~250)
Kim + Lisa - 13:38 (~250)

Amee + Dan + Steve - 16:28 (~800)

Jason + Tyler + Todd + Matt - 19:24 (~1000)