Kettlebell Swing (53, 35#)
Kettlebell Swing (53, 35#)
Box Jump (24/ 20")
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Compare to 12/15/09
NOTICE: This weekend Crossfit Diesel will be hosting the Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting Cert. Some spaces are still available, please click here to registar.
This Saturday's 9am will be cancelled as a result.
Additionally, Susan has opened her home for us to have a BBQ/potluck on Saturday evening for those attending the cert. Directions will be at the gym. If you would like to bring something to share please post to comments or on Facebook.
Image of Josh Everett
Pistols...with chains
KB swings...with chains
Box jumps...with chains
And the chains must also have chains.
Cain/Rachel, I've left the recipe for the Quinoa salad pinned up on one of the notice boards. Enjoy!
Kristian 6:42 PR (Depth Gage)
Jason 6:46 (Depth Gage)
Matt 7:10 (Depth Gage)
Dan 7:33 PR
Tyler 8:13 PR (Depth Gage)
Dillon 7:16 (pole)
Jess 8:00 (Pole)
Mark 7:28 (pole, 35#)
Susan 7:29
Anita 11:01 (pole, 53#, 24" box)
Lindsay 7:27 PR (Depth Gage)
Meghan 7:18 PR (pole)
Sujata 7:23 PR (pole, 30#)
Kim 11:35 (pole, 26.5#)
NWC Evan 6:36 (65#)
Damn't Evan! Way to go and use the 65lb'r... next time no duct tape... straight to the big guns.
I bet he's training for Eva.
I love me some Eva! Even is I have never done that WOD, it is totally doable.
Jesus, Eva should be relabeled Evil...
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
9:04 (Depth Gage)
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