Saturday 3/27/10



1000 Meter Row
1000 Meter Run
100 Double-Unders

(Post time to comments)


L said...


Mandi said...

Nice work Ladies & Gents:

Susan 16:23
Anita 16:28 (300su)
Andrea 13:26 (200su)
Kim 13:50 (200su)
Crystal 14:15 (100su)
Mike 15:53 (100su)
Ray 12:09 (500m row, 100su)

Dan Hook said...

13:22 Rx

Unknown said...

This is the first chance that I've had to get on a computer all weekend, but I'd like to say that this race was ridiculous! I did the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston, SC on Saturday, a 10k race over a rather long bridge. Granted, it's an ordinary 10k with no viking helmet or warrior fires, but an entire MILE, mile 3, is uphill. I don't know what the grade is, but it's a serious test of mental will to get to the top. The race is extremely crowded, and going for a 10k PR is absolutely out of the question unless you are one of the elite Kenyan athletes allowed to start at the front. It is an amazingly diverse crowd though, with coach potatoes to Special Operations teams running in memory of their fallen teammates (I saw and know a few of the guys down there...even ran into an old friend from a deployment years ago!).

It really was a great race, and I was surprised at my conditioning level only having done CrossFit and 7 CF Endurance workouts in the preceding month and a half. I was able to pass a lot of people on the way up the Bridge, and on the way down, I just Pose'd and blew by a good majority of the runners. I don't come from an endurance running background, and even though I'm military, my experience with training for any running event was, well, RUN MORE! This was a very interesting assessment on my way to running the half-marathon in May, but I'd say so far we are right on track.

When I got to the end, I saw a girl wearing a CrossFit shirt, and naturally a conversation about CrossFit ensued. I really had no interest in talking to her because she did CrossFit, but hey, it's a great ice breaker! She made a great point though that having done CrossFit helped her keep the run in perspective, because we know what misery while exercising really is. Any time I felt like I could slow down, I reminded myself that it's not Fran - the ability to breathe helped me remember that as well, unlike after or during a Fran. I'm very excited to continue working towards the Half, and I'm even more excited to go to my CF Endurance cert in April.

As for the specifics, I finished officially at 55:05, even though my watch said 54"51... I'm 909 in my age group and 4536 out of all of the males (more than 40,000 came out for this event). I'm proud that a fat guy made it over, and I know that a lot of that success was thanks to Evan, Mandi, and the rest of y'all at CF Diesel! See you on Tuesday!

Evan said...


Phenomenal work!