Wednesday 2/10/10


All Classes canceled for this evening.

At Home WOD:

1 Minute Handstand Hold (against a wall)
21 Push-Ups
21 Bench Dips
1 Minute Handstand Hold
15 Push-Ups
15 Bench Dips
1 Minute Handstand Hold
9 Push-Ups
9 Bench Dips

(Post time to comments)

Demo of a Bench Dip from Youtube
Photo courtesy of the CrossFit Journal


K said...


Evan said...

Clearly a conspiracy.

That or something to do with performing O-lifting during a Winter Olympics Year.

Total WOD time - 8:13

Came down twice and Buckled once during this WOD. Muscle failure becomes almost comical.

I understand now why the Main Site instructed athletes to subtract their handstand time from the clock at the end of the workout. There is an urge to stop the clock each time you fall from the handstand, so that you don't loose track of your minute. The down side of stopping the clock, is that it creates an unlimited rest period, unaccounted for in your final time.

I'd say to the next victims of this WOD, be sure not to stop the clock & better yet, have someone counting down the minute while your up there. Helps a lot.

K said...

Hey-- that's 7:33 *with* the handstands. I dropped a couple times, but the clock kept running.

I attribute my time to the fact that I can (and did) pick the absolute best time of day for my WOD. Not that there's a fixed time, mind you, but I definitely feel like my energy reserves max out in the late morning. (Also, I don't usually have the time to meticulously craft my diet) Evan, is there any scientific reason for the phenomenon I'm describing?

Speaking of conspiracies, we've been doing an increasing number of dips, and we did strict pullups for warmups yesterday, so I'm guessing the next 'bonus gymnastic WOD' is muscle-ups. Bring it!

deb said...


I scaled the handstands and held an inverted walk-walk pose instead.

Matt said...


You're right about the comical part. The clock kept ticking when I fell from a hand stand pose. But my wife only counted the seconds I was actually up in the air towards the one minute goal.

Pat said...

My balance when i'm in a handstand is terrible. I have to attack the weakness (I have so many!).

Evan said...

Deb - Totally good sub!

K - Folk definitely have a time of day that they feel their most energized. Jolie Gentry (2007 GF games winner) mentioned in an article for the CF Journal, that the time of day she worked out was something she varied intentionally for GPP. Also, no accusations intended, I just wanted to clarify the WOD for everyone.

Pat - Hit those handstands relentlessly and you will reap the benefits!

Unknown said... I tried this one today. Are these handstands supposed to be free-standing? Or do handstands against the wall count? Getting back into CrossFit is fun, but a year's absence and I simply have not mastered the lingo yet! DEFINITELY stretch those wrists before and after on this one. On my way to do that now. :)

Evan said...

Against the wall, Stephanie!

We're not so cruel as to make them free standing (...yet).

Unknown said...

HAHA! Just wanted to make sure... 8:58 then. But I only had the top of my head against the wall for the handstands!