Tuesday 2/2/10




Deadlift (225/ 155#)
Box Jump

(Post time to comments)


Unknown said...

Evan, as if the pistols weren't enough from the other day, now we have heavier weight AND box jumps. *wince*

Evan said...

Think of it like "Diane", without the handstand push-ups. It almost sounds like a treat when put in those terms; ... almost.

T said...

Jason - If I could grow a Tom Selleck stache I totally would. Kudos for sporting whatever you can!

Evan - I'd rather do Diane! Box Jumps and Dead Lifts are a killer combo, at least with Diane my legs get a break!

Evan said...

Jason - 4:49
Darren - 5:08 (rom box jumps)
Pat - 5:09
Tyler - 6:21
Donte - 6:5?
Kristian - 8:48
John M - 9:07
Dan H - 10:09
Michael - 12:58 (225-175 last rnd)
Sean - 6:52 (195)
Mark - 4:58 (135)
Matt - 5:45 (135)

Anita - 7:17
Becky - 5:04 (125)
Lindsay - 5:09 (95)

Those that follow the Journal may have come across Coach (Glassman) referring to an 80% standard when executing WOD's. That is to say, at least 80% of your reps should be executed with virtuosity of technique - Only as much as 20% of the repetitions in a given WOD should be allowed to show marginal decay. The inability to maintain form IS a demonstration of the athlete reaching neurological or muscular failure.

Too many reps executed in this compromised state WILL lead to compromised safety, efficiency and/ or efficacy of the workout - Ultimately leading the Athlete to injury, slower times, and/or slower development.

Pursue virtuosity in technique, pursue intensity, refuse to compromise either; and your fitness will be outstanding!

Donte said...

Evan, my time as 6:37. I was so weary I forgot to write it down!
