"Not the Total"
Clean 1 rep
Bench 1 rep
OH Squat 1 rep
(Post total to comments)
Please welcome the newest Grads
from the On Ramp program!
(Andrea, John, Steve, Kim, & Todd (and Alex - not shown)
from the On Ramp program!
(Andrea, John, Steve, Kim, & Todd (and Alex - not shown)
Have you checked out our 'Schedule' lately?
We have some new class times coming in just a few weeks!
Post thoughts to comments.
We have some new class times coming in just a few weeks!
Post thoughts to comments.
I'd like to go to the gymnastics class, but unfortunately I have a (different) class at 7 on Thursdays.
I'm super excited about the 10am class on Mondays!
Cobra stretch and water, Jason. And when your up to it, Samson stretch. But at the moment, hanging from a pull-up bar would probably be a stretch.
I knew for the gleam in Evan's eye when he was talking about this workout from the main page that we would be seeing it soon.
What.The.Eff. I seriously need to stop traveling for work, I always miss the fun heavy days!!
T- Today was fun. Stop traveling. If you can't do that, then you need to stop working.
Darren 195 pr/ 275 gr/ 65 = 535
Michel G. 165/ 215/ 135 = 515
Sean 160 pr/ 205 pr/ 95 = 460
Kristian 165 pr/ 155 pr/ 135 pr = 455
John H. 145/ 195/ 115 = 455
Pat 165 pr/ 165/ 115 = 445
Dan H. 160 pr/ 145 pr/ 105 pr = 410
Keith 155/ 115/ 105 = 375
Mike T. 115/ 155/ 65 = 335
Meghan 100 pr/85 pr/85 pr = 270
Julie 90/100/65 = 255
Becky 85 pr/95 pr/65 pr = 245
Anita 100/75/55 = 230
Leisa 75/45/45 = 165
MOD - Clean/ 5xBench/5xBack Squat
John M. 195 pr/ 195x5/ 275x5 = 665
On Ramp WOD 1
Jimmy 5:31
Andrea 5:51 (Mod. Push-up)
Crystal 6:13 (Mod. Push-up)
Kim 6:13 (Mod. Push-up)
Russ 6:24
Bill 13:03
Mark 14:30 (Mod. Push-Up)
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