Monday 1/25/10



2 rounds for time:

400m Run
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Ball
800m Run
30 Kettle Bell Swings (1.5/ 1 pood)
30 Double-Unders

(Post time to comments)

"Glute Ham Developer Hip Extension: Set up so that the pelvis is clear of the pads, and without any movement in the torso, extend and flex at the hip only."

Image and Quote from archives


Steve H said...

For some weird reason, I'm looking forward to this WOD...

L said...

Me too! Looks like a tough, sweaty, collapse-on-the-blue-mat-when-you're-done type of one.

Julie said...

Oh crap.

Steve H said...

Lets hope we can get the WOD in while its still 66 degrees outside!

Mike T said...

I will be their in spirit but not in person.

Dan Hook said...

Spirits tend to get really bad times, and they scale heavily.

Unknown said...

Evan, this gave me a really awesome endorphin rush that's still kicking. GREAT work out! I know it sucked, but that was awesome.

Evan said...

Abe - 22:54
Pat - 23:50
Brian - 24:25
Kristian - 27:21
Oliver - 27:55
Steve H - 29:45
Dan H - 30:35
Jason - 31:14
Keith - 31:35 (3x singles)
John H - 32:12 (3x singles)
John M. - 31:34 (15# wb, 35# kb)
Donte - 35:10 (15# wb, 2x singles)
Mark - 25:55 (35#, singles)

Rachel - 26:39
Anita - 36:46 (tuck jumps)
Deb - 29:41 (singles)
Julie - 9:23 (1 rd, 10 wb, 18 kb, 2x Singles)

Good time spread!

Recipe for a sub 20 time:
1. Repeatable 1:15 400's
2. Sub 3:00 800's
3. Pace yourself before a move that you know you can do unbroken. You will save time.

Evan said...

On Ramp WOD - Bear Complex

Alex - 65, 65, 65, 65, 105x5
John D - 65, 65, 65, 65, 105x5 (rom)
Steve - 45, 65, 75, 75, 75
Todd - 45, 45, 55, 55, 65
Kim - 15, 25, 25, x, x
Andrea - 15, 30, 30, 30, 30
Leisa - 15, 30, 35, x, x
Evan - x, x, 95, 105, 115