Friday 10/9/09


5 Rounds for Time: 
21 Sumo-Deadlift-High-Pull (m#95, w#65)
100 Meter Run

(Post time to comments)

Compare to 4/28/09

Sumo Dead Lift High Pull...[wmv][mov]
Video courtesy of


Jamison Peter Hibbard said...


Steve H said...

Me so hungry!!! This outa be another fun WOD exercise in running with totally smoked arms again.

Steve H said...

Saw this on the CF Football site and thought I'd share it. Just in case anyone didn't know what "Tabata" meant besides excruciating pain...check this out:

The term "Tabata" comes from the name of a Japanese researcher, Izumi Tabata, PhD., who discovered an interesting way to increase both anaerobic and aerobic pathways at the same time. It's one of those strange training programs that seems to fit across disciplines: it works for football players, sprinters, Olympic lifters and anybody looking to get crushed by a workout.

1) For twenty seconds, do as many repetitions of the specified exercise as possible.

2) Rest for ten seconds

3) Repeat seven more times.

Best part is the quote about "anyone looking to get crushed by a workout"

Evan said...

Susan - 11:49
Steve - 12:27
Dan H. - 14:20 (85#)
Anita - 9:27 (45#)
Molly - 10:10 (45#)

Intro Class WOD 3
Mark - 6:44
Mike - 6:47
Erick - 6:00