Wednesday 9/2/09



For time:

9 Front Squat (185# m /125# w)
25 Jumping Pull-Ups
9 Front Squat
25 Jumping Pull-Ups
6 Front Squat
20 Jumping Pull-Ups
6 Front Squat
20 Jumping Pull-Ups
3 Front Squat
15 Jumping Pull-Ups
3 Front Squat
15 Jumping Pull-Ups

(Post time to comments)

An oldie video from CrossFit. com
- Front Squat WOD [wmv]


T said...

I'm sad that I'm missing this one, it sounds fun!!

Cameron said...

I really hate that I missed this one too. I helped Steve move up to a third floor apartment, so that was our WOD tonight. Actually, the warm up was moving the boxes of books, etc. The actual WOD was moving his oversized couch and tv stand up three flights of stairs! I can definitely feel my back and shoulders after this one!

Pat said...

Evan- Is there a 6:15am class tomorrow? If so, I'll be there.

maggie said...

ill come early too!

Evan said...

Yup - 6:15am

C'ya then Pat and Maggie

(Pat, I'll reply to that email soon, I've been out).

Evan said...

Maggie - 8:03
Susan - 10:35 (1 rd rx, 2-5 105#)
Oliver - 15:18 (155)
Robin - 18:54 (105)
Darla - 11:05 (95)

Intro Class

3 rounds:
30 SDHP 53/35
5 KtE
10 Wallball

John 1:37, 1:36, 1:39 (KtN, 15#)
Mark 1:39, 1:43, 1:49 (10#)
Anita 1:42, 2:00, 2:00 (KtN,15#)
Crystal 1:50, 2:22, 2:11 (KtC,15/10#
Keith 1:57, 2:05, 2:46 (15#)

Steve H said...

Yes, the moving WOD was oh so much fun!