Thursday 6/11/09



For Time:
15, 12, 9

Back Squat
Handstand Push-Up

Back Squat load should be a 15 rep max load. If you don't know this number, try 65% of your one rep max as a starting point. You may be stronger, you may not, but it gives you a starting point.

(Post load and time to comments)

Robb Wolf's website (lots of nutritional information)


Mandi said...

Jason.......You can do it!

jacksbadassgoat said...

Accidentally did 21-15-9. Used 145 lb squat. 10:10.

Steve H said...

I feel spectacular!!

Evan said...

Glad to hear it Steve!

Jack, a great time for 21-15-9!

Jason, I have not seen the video yet. The description sounds similar to our Rope Fran, but with less height and more ascents. I say if its good enough for Boz and Todd, its good for CF Diesel.


Jason - 11:32 / 205# (1st Rx'd HSPU WOD!)
Cameron S. - 8:54 / 105# (FS)


Maggie - 4:19 / 120# / Band HSPU (G+B)
Steve - 5:39 / 165# /Wall Tuck
Cameron G. - 6:02 / 165# /Wall Tuck
Doug - 5:07 / 135# / Pike
Wanda - 5:05 / 75# / Pike
Audra - 5:10 / 65# / Pike
Tamieko - 5:38 / 70# / Pike
Matt - 6:04 / 135# / Pike
Meghan - 5:07 / 75# / Knee
Alex - 5:01 / 95# / Knee
Mel - 6:03 / 55# / Knee

Cameron S(imple) said...

Dayum Mueller. should you mention that you did the HSPU in a swimming pool?

Cameron said...

What's the theory behind stopping this workout at 9? Why not keep going down in reps? For instance, you could do...15, 12, 9, 6, 3. I've noticed a number of other CrossFit gyms are adding sets to their WOD's. I guess form could breakdown with more reps, but this would only add 9 more to the total. Don't get me wrong, my legs feel very nice right now, but I had the distinct feeling after I finished today's WOD that I could have done a little more. Maybe I should have done more weight and taken a little more time when doing them.

jacksbadassgoat said...

I actually do all of my training in a 50x gravity chamber, while under total sensory deprivation so that I can develop my chi projection techniques while improving my physical conditioning.

Evan said...

Cameron G. - There are WODs with that number scheme. Generally, there loads are lighter.

Heavy Fran -
135# Thrs. & 45# Weighted Pull-Ups

Fran -
95# Thrs. & Pull-Ups

WODs Have come up every so often (like Brendan's 75# SDHP/ Push Jerk WOD). 75# = "Moderate Load" in CrossFit terms.

Cameron said...

Interesting...Brendan's 75# SDHP/ Push Jerk WOD looks brutal!
