Thursday 5/21/09



400 m Walking Lunges

(Post time and number of steps to comments)

Compare to 11/15/08

Walking Lunges...[wmv][mov]
video & image courtesy of


Sujata said...

Evan/Mandi, Wow, this would be my first crossfit workout without a barbell being strictly involved (although the video clip did show it being used)!! I'm going to try making class tomorrow although I could be running late... Sujata

Cameron S(imple) said...

you have got to be kidding. I love how crossfit prepares you for going up the stairs in the washington monument. wait, isn't that another workout? "martha"?

Evan said...

This ones FUN! And its a nice sunny day. Come on out :)

jacksbadassgoat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jacksbadassgoat said...

Unnecessarily vulgar reply to Cameron removed.

Steve H said...

I'm sure the reason the distance is short is because it starts to burn real bad after the first 100m.

Cameron S(imple) said...

jacksbadassgoat, did it involve wooden teeth?

Evan said...

Post in a day or two how your buns and hamies feel ;-)


Wanda - 13:10
Audra - 13:15
Cameron - 14:02 (410 steps)
Patrick - 14:42
Susan - 15:51
Tamieko - 15:54 (425 steps)
Meghan - 17:42 (390 steps)
Sujata - 14:55 (partial ROM)