

WOD - "Dutch vs. Speal"

For Time:
10 Thrusters (
135# m, 85# w)
50 Double-unders
8 Thrusters
40 Double-unders
6 Thrusters
30 Double-unders
4 Thrusters
20 Double-unders
2 Thrusters
10 Double-unders

(Post time to comments)
Dutch vs. Speal ...[wmv][mov]
Video courtesy of CrossFit.Com

1 comment:

Evan said...

WOD as Rx'd:

Jason - 15:47


Susan - 4:20 (35#, Single-unders)
Laural - 10:25 (2x10# DB, Single-unders)
Lindsay - 19:38 (55#, Tuck Jumps)