Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds of:
Wall-ball (20/ 14#) 10 ft target for both
Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/ 55#)
Box Jump (20/20")
Push-press (75/ 55#)
Row for Calories
Rest 1 minute
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Compare to: 9/17/11
*Special Event Notice:
We will be running "Grace" this Saturday at 11am in support of the Barbells 4 Boobs fundraiser. Donating to this fundraiser is easy, just click this link and contribute. All are welcome to participate regardless of donation.
9am: No class
10am: Rookies class
11am: "Grace"
AJ 348 PR!
Jim 254 PR!
Rachel M. 253 PR
Whitney 253 (27 point PR!)
Hil 205 (12" BJ)
Do we have to sign up to participate on Saturday?
I HAVE to do this and am so bummed to have an injury...Evan/Mandi, what do you suggest as a sub for the Push Press? I should be OK with SDLHP and WB(although I will stick with #10 ball).
No worries Sujata, I have plenty of great ideas! Front squat, hip extention, double-unders, toes2bar......
Come on in.
Tyler 346 PR!
Steve H 289 PR!
Matt 288 Tie PR!
Jason G 280 PR!
Dan H 276 PR!
Jason H 255 PR!
Josh 242 PR!
Yvette 231 PR!
Rachel L. 221 PR! (by 29)
Shannon 206 PR!
Mandi 213
Ian A 205
Kim 181
Amy 280 (35#, Red Box, 10# WB)
Hurricane Irene 272 (GHD for PP, FS for WB, DL 55# for SDHP)
Sujata 270 (GHD for PP, FS 33# for WB, DL 75# for SDHP)
Cami 240 (35#, Red Box, 10# WB)
Jay 168 (35#, Red Box, 10# WB 9' ROM)
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