Saturday 11/13/10



Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 Hanging Power Cleans
50 ft Waiters Walk
5 Push Press
50 ft Waiters Walk

All of the above are to be completed with the same barbell (rx'd as 95# m/ 65# w)

(Post rounds to comments)

Compare to 12/16/09

John catching Keith rhabdoing out

1 comment:

Evan said...

Teresa 12? :( (GR!)
Susan 19+5 (35#)
Kim 9+5 (35#)
Amee 8+5 (35#)

? = lost count, rounded down

Jesse 9+1
Matt 8
Keith 7+3
Joe 6+5
Dan 8.5 (85#)
Gabe 9 (75#)
Mike T 8+5 (55#)