Friday 10/22/10





(Compare to 11/27/09)

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Annie rocking thrusters


Unknown said...

Good news, had a surgical consult today and no surgery needed. 1 month to heal the bones, 2 months to heal the soft tissue damage, and 3 months til I'm fully mission capable. Anita, you were right about the diagnosis, but there's nothing they can do but protect the fingers and let them heal in time. Til then, Percocet and Pop Tarts.

Ok, by popular demand...

Bone Crusher

3 rounds

70ft log flip
200m farmer’s walk 2 pood
50ft yoke walk 315#
3 Cleans 155#
2 185# Bench Press
1 315# dead lift

L said...

That's a crazy WOD, John! May I also nominate that it be AKA "Trip to the ER"? The potential for herniated discs, muscle pulls, rotator cuff tears is really immense. Only you could design a WOD like this! LOL!!!

Cain said...

It was an awesome WOD. I did it minus the bench because my shoulders were shredded from the Zerchers immediately before. The worst part is the Cleans immediately following the Yoke Walk.

The funniest part was that guy Gino showed up for his FIRST CF WOD ever at the strongman class. This was his first WOD. That's manly.

Cain said...

It's not a Jason or John video, but it seems based on reality. Posted by SBCF.

Evan said...

Cain, the conversation in the video is totally deja vu inducing. I know I've had that conversation too many times to count.

Evan said...

Jason, that bear crawl does look sweet. I noticed a difference in knee bend and execution from round 1 to later rounds.

am i just seeing things?

Evan said...

Matt 170 PR
Mike G 155 (165x1)
Andy 152.5 (155x1)
Bobby 130
Dan 125
Mike T 122.5

Susan 100 (112.5 PR/GR)
Whitney 90 (100)
Katie 85 PR (90x2 PR)
Sujata 82.5 PR (85x1 PR)
Mandi 80
Rachel 80
Melissa 67.5
Amee 60
Lisa 55