Thursday 8/19/10


aka "Filthy Fifty"

For time:

50 Box jump (24/ 20")
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (35/ 26.5#)
50 steps Walking Lunge
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (44/ 33#)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots (20/ 15#)
50 Burpees (yay burpees!)
50 Double Unders

(Post time to comments)

Compare to 4/3/10

Mike caught climbing


Unknown said...

My first ever real CF WOD...the 50 have never disappointed me in reminding me I am human. Today, I show "Chuck Norris" that he is my bitch.

deb said...

so bummed I'm missing this... we have a scrimmage tomorrow night.

Mike T said...

Side Bar Topic: Post-Workout Nutrition

Does anyone do Post-Workout Meal?

I know that I have chat with a few people about doing post-workout meal.

Personally I have not been consistent with doing a post workout meal lately. But when I was doing them I only noticed a slight difference in my recovery however at the time I had a unknown medical condition that most likely could have been the reason for not seeing sufficient difference.

What have been your results with Post-Workout Meals?

Cain said...

Post workout meal:
Protein powder and creatine immediately, then a solid meal of meat and vegetables about 45 minutes later. Then a snack before bed, maybe a can of sardines, a lump of cottage cheese, or something small and proteinaceous like that.

Cain said...

O yeah the results...Good.
I feel that eating immediately afterwards has helped recovery and performance. But I haven't been part of a controlled experiment, I've always made sure that I eat afterwards. I hate waiting, I get more hungry as time passes, and I did notice that if I don't eat afterwards or if I do something stupid like get wasted instead of eat properly and sleep, my physical and mental state moves back a step.

chris.m.rowe said...

ok, did this during my lunch break for the first time in a year or so...ouch. I actually ralphed during the burpees. Still managed to knock it out in under 30mins though, so i'm still happy with myself.

Bobby Gill said...
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Cain said...

Perfect article for this summer...

Steve H said...

Definitely looking forward to this one...

Mandi said...

Kristian 31:39
T 32:42
Evan 33:05
Jason 35:20
John M. 36:53, 7min PR!
Cain 47:45
J.P. 40:16 (25DU, 25SU)
Steve 33:07 (SU)
Jack 33:30 (step-ups 20”, #10WB ROM, SU)
Lance 37:18 (50steps, 40pull-ups, 40KB, 30 Ppress, 40backex., 30WB#10, 8burpees, 100SU)

Mandi 34:35, 1min. PR!
Whitney 32:10 (KtA)
Amee 38:37 (KtA)
Rachel 27:31 (step-ups, HKR, #10WB)
Kim 38:14 (step-ups, #18KB, #25pp, #10WB)
Karin 26:10 (30reps, HKR, #10, 50SU)
Susan 29:33 (step-ups, mod pull-ups, #10@1/2sqt., push-ups, 300meter row)

Unknown said...

I did #10 wallballs. Forgot to write that up there!

Evan said...

I 2nd Jason's cometary.

1. Sub 30 is always kickin - Way to go Chris!

2. There are HUGE (like, gorilla in the room huge!) variables in most athletes training &/or nutrition that need addressing before post WOD "good eats".

... but on that note. I like T.Joe's strawberry keifer, any time of day - it's tasty, non-paleo (I'm a rebel), and Dave Lipson left some in our fridge after the Oly. Cert. He's done okay on a couple of WODs.