Ring Dip
Box Jump
(Post time to comments)
Congratulations John M. on completing
the Marine Corps Half Marathon!
the Marine Corps Half Marathon!
Reminder - This month, members of CrossFit Diesel can bring a friend in for their 1st WOD - FREE!
Lets see some new faces!
-And Kristoffer Smith can come in for a free WOD this month, because he's a friend of CrossFit Diesel
(Even though we've never met).
Lets see some new faces!
-And Kristoffer Smith can come in for a free WOD this month, because he's a friend of CrossFit Diesel
(Even though we've never met).
Wow... I've never seen a 3-5% incline hill that goes for 1.5 miles. If you ever get the chance to run the Marine Corps Historic Half, I'd say do it, but beware miles 10-12. :) Thanks guys for the support prior to the race. I didn't get my goal of under 2 hours, but I did get close. I had a rough time with the hills - there were lots and they were steep. All in all though, it was a good run.
Mike G - 5:26
Steve - 7:48
Pat - 8:22 (minor dip rom issues)
Jason - 9:00
Tyler - 9:37
John M - 9:56
Dan - 11:12
Keith - 11:37
Dillon - 13:23 (tan ring)
Kristian - 9:55 (bar dips)
Chris - 9:3? (blue ring)
Sean - 12:07 (red ring)
Mike B - 12:54 (red ring)
Donte - 10:26 (blue pull/red ring)
Derek - 10:37 (blue pull, red ring)
Mike T - 11:00 (green pull/ blue ring)
Bryan D - 16:23 (J. pull-up, black dip)
Susan - 7:08 (red ring)
Lindsay - 9:23(blue ring)
Meghan - 12:19 (lt. green/Push-up)
Amee - 10:34 (blue pull/ red ring)
Deb - 11:43 (green pull/ red+lg dip)
Anita - 10:06 (green pull/ black dip)
11:35 blue ring
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