50 KB Swing (53#m, 35#w)
50 Sit-Ups
35 KB Swing

35 Sit-Ups
20 KB Swing
20 Sit-Ups
(Post time to comments)
Compare to 4/23/09
Way to go Dillon. Image courtesy of crossfit.com
NOTICE: Anyone wanting to participate in the WARRIOR DASH needs to registar ASAP. They will be running the event in 12 waves, the first 10 waves are FULL. Click here for more info and to Sign Up!
Yay! One I won't need to scale.
I'm really wishing I hadn't done 90 sit ups today.
Reloading CFD homepage is like rolling dice. Sometimes you get a pair of sixes and other times you get snake eyes.
Nice Jason! By the way.....you have mucles in your legs and butt as well.
Carrying the joke over from Monday's 10am :)
My friend and I are signed up for the 4pm wave
Who has two thumbs and is beat down by this week?
Jason, pulling the arm on the slot machine instead of hitting the button doesn't count as a kb/db swing.
Don't be upset that I found your strategy. Besides, I did every single rep of the 45-30-15 WOD we did today. I don't know why you'd question my integrity...
Evan - 6:44
John M - 7:09
Dillon - 8:13
Steve H - 8:21
Tyler - 8:32
Sean - 9:18
Dan - 9:27
Pat - 7:02 35#
Anthony - 8:41 35#
John H - 8:41 35#
Mark - 9:45 35#
Mike B. - 11:16 35#
Mandi - 8:10
Anita - 8:32
Lindsay - 8:10 30#
Audrey - 7:47 26#
Black - 9:09 26#
Julie - 9:48 26#
Angie - 7:20 20#
Leslie - 9:31 20#
Sara - 8:00 18#
Jess - 8:46 18#
April 21, 2010 9:28 PM
$2 off breakfast AND $2 back from the free slots - The Lumberjack Special of Victory tastes that much sweeter.
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