Friday 5/22/09


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 Hanging Power Cleans
50 ft Waiters Walk
5 Push Press
50 ft Waiters Walk

All of the above are to be completed with the same barbell (rx'd as 95# m/ 65# w)

(Post rounds to comments)


Cameron S(imple) said...

I hate to say it, but i'm having trouble walking after yesterday's workout and i can't make it to tonight's class. When I say "trouble walking", I'm not referring to annoying trouble, I'm referring to literally not being able to walk normally. Significant muscle weakness, without actual soreness, makes it so when I'm in a chair I don't have the strength to straighten my legs out all the way! Thank goodness I work in a chair.

Cameron S(imple) said...

oh, and WAAAAA!

Evan said...


Laura - 7 rounds

Evan said...

I like'em to be sneaky! And Lura, you kicked it high gear today - And going unbroken on that last round today was sweet!

The trainers are experiencing the same grip and shoulder burn (Mandi not as much in the shoulders, but mine are sing'in a tune!). It will make Max load thrusters all the more fun tomorrow.